
Broger's End Kangaroo Valley

Both the Dairy and the Shed have their own private gardens for you to enjoy during your stay. There are quiet places to relax, and a variety of herbs, vegetables and fruit to sample and eggs from the chickens to use in your cooking.

The gardens are a work in progress and our resources are limited so please don’t expect manicured garden beds 😊. We use permaculture and organic principles.

The supply depends on the season and the weather, but in general there are always plenty of herbs including:

  • Oregano

  • Parsley

  • Thyme

  • Sage

  • Mint

  • Bay leaves

  • Lemongrass
  • Lemon Verbena
  • Lemon Balm

In early summer, the garlic and onions are ready to harvest, and in late summer there are a variety of stone fruits, apples, feijoa, grapes, rhubarb and berries. In autumn you will find plenty of figs and fingerlime, while in winter, there are different sorts of citrus including lemon, lemonade, lime, grapefruit, orange, blood orange and mandarin with a juicer for you to use.

Vegetables are grown year round and so be sure to have a look to see what you might be able to add to your pot! Check before you arrive if there is something in particular you need during your stay, to avoid buying things from the shops that we have in the garden.

If you would like to take home some produce, we ask for a donation to help maintain the garden, equivalent to about half what you would spend for it in the shops.

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A firt walking track surrounded by trees

Walking Trails

Whether you’re looking for an easy family friendly walk or something a bit more strenuous, there is a walking trail at Broger’s End or around Kangaroo Valley for you!

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River Activities

The river you would have crossed to get here is great for swimming! The best place is probably in line with the shed but feel free to go exploring for other spots! Be very cautious when swimming in a river as submerged rocks, trunks and logs can be very hard to see.

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Wildlife Spotting

While meandering around the variety of landscapes which make up Broger’s End Kangaroo Valley you will see plenty of native animals, especially if you are patient, quiet and keep your eyes peeled.

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With a status of near threatened and with their population in decline, Broger’s End is very proud to be home to a population of platypus.

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Broger’s End is certified by EcoTourism Australia. We are powered by the sun with our solar panels and Tesla battery. We collect rainwater for all our water and have composting systems for food scraps and other waste. We aim to tread as lightly as we can on this beautiful part of the world.